The end of summer is coming and how fun would it be to say goodbye to the season with a summer soiree?

Guest blogger Andrea of Mia Emma Love is going to show us a festive way to customize goodie bags. Never used Craftables Flock HTV? In this post we'll show you how!

What you'll need:
- an iron
- flock htv
- a teflon sheet
- an ironing board
- Craftables smooth HTV
- weeding tools
- craft cutter
- cotton or polyester pouches
What is flock HTV?
Flock HTV is a fuzzy, velvety heat transfer vinyl. It is a bit thicker than Craftables Smooth so it's the perfect vinyl to cover seams on clothing or koozies or a baseball hat. It feels like those iron-on letters you can buy from a craft store.
How do you use flock HTV?
Flock HTV is like any other vinyl but in my opinion, it's one of the easiest HTV to use! Heat your iron up to 300 degrees F. Once your iron has heated, preheat your surface to get rid of any excess moisture. Now put your flock decal on your surface with the shiny side up. Place a teflon sheet between your decal and your iron and press firmly without moving your iron for 10-15 seconds. Now, wait a full minute for your decal to cool and then peel off your carrier sheet. And voila, your flock vinyl has adhered!
For a heat settings chart, click here. For a cut settings chart, click here for Silhouette and here for Cricut.

Step 1
Preheat your iron to 300 degrees F.

Step 2
Once my iron heated up I ironed my decal for about ten seconds. Then I put down my teflon sheet and ironed on top of that, using maximum pressure from my arm and held for around 15 seconds. So ten seconds without a teflon sheet followed immediately by 15 seconds with a teflon sheet

Step 3
After 1 minute, I peeled off my teflon sheet. This vinyl is cold peel so wait the entire minute before peeling up your teflon sheet!

You can iron the smooth vinyl while you iron flock vinyl. Just be aware that Craftables Smooth is a ten second peel while Craftables Flock is a 1 minute peel! For more detailed instructions on applying Craftables flock heat transfer vinyl you can see this post by How To Heatpress.

For more tips on how to adhere HTV to burlap, see this post.
What are you crafting this summer? Make sure to share your crafts with us in our Facebook group!